
Code & Tools

Diese Seite enthält Downloads und Quelltexte bzw. Links zu Projektseiten welche im Rahmen von Forschungsprojekten oder Verantstaltungen entstanden sind, aber darüber hinaus genutzt werden können.

Texture Viewer

An HDR viewer for advanced texture formats which cannot be opened in usual image viewers.

It supports quick side-by-side comparison, arithmetic operations on images, customisable simple filter effects (GLSL) and 360° views.

At the moment it reads PNG, JPG, BMP, HDR, PFM, KTX, DDS, EXR
and writes PNG, BMP, HDR, PFM.
This includes Cube-Map and Mipmap support for the KTX and DDS formats.

Project page:

Color Visualization

April 5, 2021

An online color visualization tool made by one of our students for a bachlors project. shows the histogram for an image and allows the visualization of different color spaces along with simple transformations. shows a chromacity diagram. visualized the HSV, Lab and RGB color space simultaneously.

Perspective Visualization


Visualizes the frustrum and canonical volume of a perspective camera.
Windows Executeable (350MB):

Tesselation Visualization


Visualizes inner and outer tesselation and implements a preview for distance based tesselation.
Windows Executable (18MB):

Bank Conflict Benchmark


Executes a compute shader to benchmark the impact of bank conflicts. The number of conflict can be configured via the user interface.
Windows Executable (1MB):